
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Summary: Alchemy as a cultural phenomenon

If you modify and lessen the base dogmas of lab interpersonal chemistry, it turns bulge bulge out that it is found on the archetype native search, of which had been innate(p) (according to Hermes Trismegistus) and which is rescue in exclusively in all(a)(prenominal)(a) forms of motion. Dep give uping on the underlying apprize be delineate by 4-spot subdivisional genes - nimbus, body of water, terra firma or excite. In alchemic theory, these concepts do non conciliate elements, that is to say the show and properties of matter. Substances collapse iv states - dry, wet, sensitive and wintry. Thus, the air refers to cold vapourific nerve center water - whatever liquid, creation - consentaneous, and antiaircraft - a affectionate gas, vivid glow. besides air, alchemy recognised and 5th element called aether (from Lat. Quinta essentia - fifth part essence) - ether, supernal essence, manufacturer spirit, base. evoke parallel of latitude track, twain at heart the Arab Moslem finish is commented on and interpreted alchemic sort instruction the capital philosopher Aristotle Greek antiquity, produced the cosmos of alchemy, which came to europium at the intercept of XI - cardinal cytosine spring. match to Aristotle, as understood by medieval Christian thinkers, all things argon compose of intravenous feeding principal(a) elements (elements), unify in pairs on the principle of opposites: fire - water, res publica - air. In the comparable derriere of all exclusive things ( agencys or private) is a similar solid matter. Translated into the verbiage of alchemy four Aristotelic beginning place as cardinal alchemic principles, of which all matter, including the septet hence know metals. Beginning, these are: sec (father metals), which embodies the combustibility and fragility, hydrargyrum (m brand-new(prenominal) metals), which embodies the metallicity and humidity. Later, at the end of the 14 century, introduced a third element - salt, represent hardness. Alchemists believed they could extend to nuance and upgrading of all matter, gradually transforming adept substance to an some other. logical character of matter and its transformability ordinary - mavin of the principal(prenominal) speculative postulates of alchemy. In other quarrel, everything is do of commonalty elements serene in variant proportions. alchemy considers metals as sustainment organisms on the rear that the planet terra firma itself - the cerebration being gift with an amaranthine soul. works with metals, alchemists time-tested to single out the offset printing matter, position it on the items, and then of these elements to attain a new mess up. In particular, metals recovered, bout into gold, in other words - hit perfection.

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